In order to set up CAM-POST to run within TopSolid, you must run the following application:
Start > Programs > ICAM Productivity Tools V20 > Setup > Kit > TopSolid
The ICAM Integration to TopSolid dialogue appears. This dialogue has four tabs:
The “General” tab contains two sections: “ICAM Software” and “Database“. The first is used to specify which version of CAM-POST should be used. The second allows you to select the default database to be used when running an ICAM post-processor within TopSolid. Verify that all required post-processors, Virtual Machine models and Control Emulators are present in the selected database.
The “TopSolid” tab is automatically populated by the setup utility and does not normally require any changes. The system automatically finds the TopSolid installation directory and executable. If required, all fields can be manually edited.
Finally, the “GENER” and “CERun” tabs allow you to choose the default interface mode (i.e. full interface, progress bar or minimized in background) to be used when running Gener and respectively Control Emulator. In the case of GENER, it also allows you to select the interface kit to be used. Select either the TopSolid or Automatic option.
Benefit to User
Post-processing directly from the CAM system simplifies and speeds NC code generation.
For more information or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at